Together, we can lay the groundwork ...

   ... for a reliable and succesful business.


Company structures

legal forms

The principality of Liechtenstein offers a wide range of possible company structures that have a lot in common but are fundamentally different from each other. Many aspects need to be considered when choosing a company type. The criteria include capital, liability, operating persons, and especially the intended purpose of a company.


The first step to your start-up

Having a good business idea

Having a good business idea is the basis for a successful company set up. Ideally, this idea is a business model which, until now, does not exist – which is innovative! A good business idea may also be something that already exists but will be realized differently. The Best strategy is trying the most and take as many chances as you can get. The best approach is to try out as much as possible and to get as many opportunities as possible.


Asset Protection

To protect your assets in a sustainable way, sophisticated knowledge is crucial.

Protecting one’s assets in terms of liability and third-party access is getting more and more important. It is particularly essential for people living in countries with low political stability. Investors who are interested in the consolidation of their assets should have the possibility to pursue this objective within the law.